August 16, 2023
“Whatever Happened to Quality?”: A Prayer
O Lord, when I sat down to write out this week’s prayer, I discovered that
my yellow legal tablet had been
every other page
ruling unruly;
other tablets the same,
too late to return,
stuck with
mis-made, mis-produced, mis-manufactured tablets;
and McDonald's no different,
cheeseburger with pickles and ketchup only,
no onions please, and yet
always the onions,
always mis-made,
always wrong;
and clothes too,
small large,
large small,
medium small or large,
mistakenly mis-produced mistakes;
and all this
got me to thinking:
What ever happened to quality?
What ever happened to quality control?
What ever happened to good quality?
Do the tablet makers not care?
Do the kids behind the counter not care?
Do the clothing manufacturers not care?
we expect too little
when it comes to
producing a product right,
getting an order right,
making clothing right;
we tolerate too much,
just shrug our shoulders and move on;
we accept too easily
flaws, mistakes, blunders,
less aggravation that way;
and how about
quality of service,
quality of care,
quality of work,
quality of discourse,
quality of life, and
don't forget
quality of politicians
quality of candidates,
quality of the elected; and
remember the
quality of our culture,
quality of our government,
quality of our national life;
we no longer
expect the best,
look for the best,
insist on the best;
we tolerate without thought
mirage morality;
we accept too easily
what should
never be acceptable;
then again,
we need to ask
what we expect or tolerate or accept when it comes to others,
what we expect and tolerate and accept in
we have come to the point
where “good enough” describes
how we treat our work, our relationships, our behavior;
not trying or doing or giving
our best,
but just
“good enough”
to get by, to get on, to get away with, without trying or doing or giving
our best.
Whatever happened to quality?
But there's more, O Lord, as you well know, because you well know
how my mind works, how
thinking about tablets and onions and pants will
get me thinking about
the quality of other things, like
the quality of our faith,
the quality of our character,
the quality of our loving and serving;
get me thinking about
qualities such as
mercy, kindness, compassion, self-discipline, persistence, courage,
reliability, integrity, honesty, forgiveness, faithfulness,
truthfulness and more;
get me thinking about
whether we will
to do our best
to develop such qualities
within ourselves;
whether we will
having nothing less than
such qualities
define ourselves;
whether we will
nothing other than
we ourselves living
with such qualities
each and every day,
and being
quality people,
quality Christians,
quality human beings.
O Lord, help us to so believe in you, so love you, so trust you, that we
would never say,
“Oh, that's good enough,” but
always strive to
be the best we have it in us to be;
would never go along with
what is clearly wrong but
always strive to
do the right thing;
would never use
age or illness or infirmity
to get a pass on being Christian, but
always strive
at any age,
using any illness,
through any infirmity,
to help others to
live and die
And Lord, when wonder if our praying for others does any good,
have the Spirit give us a swift kick to keep us praying,
praying for those battling deadly disease, those dealing with
severe illness, those who are suffering or hurting,
those who are dying, those who are grieving,
those who are struggling emotionally, those
who have no one to pray for them except
us, and the homeless, the hungry,
refugees everywhere.
Heal, strengthen, sustain, comfort, be with, console, and lift them in
O Lord, until I use up those mis-made tablets, every time I sit down to
a sermon,
a prayer,
an article,
I will be reminded of
the lack of quality in
so much and so many today; but
I will also be reminded of
the need for me and for many to be
Christians of quality;
and I will be reminded that
you did not mis-make us, that
in your love for us and our love for you, we can
get it
at last.