Charlotte Schroeder, who is recovering from surgery John & Heather Russell, handling various issues & PTSD Ken Keyser, in Rehab following a fall Jerrie Johnson, who has been transferred to a care center in Moultrie, GA Burnadetta Wilmer, who is recovering from surgery for breast cancer Stella Wilkerson-Clark, who is recovering from back surgery Loreli Wessellhoft, who is recovering from an accident Linda Gildersleeve-Blackwell, who is recovering from knee surgery |
Jane Finney, Keith Wahlig, Jennifer Ohemeng-Wilmer, Annette Flanigan, Ora & Elizabeth Gatling, Sharon Allison, Ken Keyser, Rachel Jones, Kitty Halenza, Judy Zehms, Scott and Michelle Bryant, Jill Cochran, Sandy Tiedeman, Charles Styles, Amy Humphres, Linda Travis, Eleanor Gibson, Â Lonnie Johnson, Gene Belcher, Wanta Thompson, Genelda Clinton, and Roberta Lecour. Â |
Jeff Adamek, the son of Jerry and Sandy Adameck, who is recovering from a major accident;
- The daughters of Diane Allbriton (sister of Cathy Graham), Joe Ratzman, and Loreli Wesselhoft;
- The sons of Ellen Thomas and Doris Williams;
- The mother of Terryl Baker;Â
- The godmother of the Flanigans' children;
- The granddaughter of Horace and Marcia Cosby;
- The sisters of Sandy Adamek, Joyce Allen, Connie Bentz, Linda Gildersleeve-Blackwell, John Russel, and  Judy Zehms;Â
- The nieces of Terryl Baker, Beatrice During, and Rachel Jones;Â
- The husband of Diane Allbrittons' niece;Â
- The aunt of Connie Bentz;Â
- The sons of Genelda Clinton, Jill Cochran, and Kay Douma;Â
- The brothers of Gene Belcher, Jill Cochran, Jack Fish, Pr. Flanigan, Joe Ratzman, & Sheila Vanenburg;Â
- The brother and sister-in-law of Connie Martin;Â
- The grandsons of Jessie and Connie Bentz, & Wanda Thompson;Â
- The brothers-in-law of Sandy and Jerry Adamek, Kitty Halenza, Ann Halulka, Robin Jenkins, Â & Eric Smith;Â
- The nephew of Sandy and Jerry Ademek;Â
- The cousins of Sandy Adamek, Connie Bentz, Judy Cable, Larry Clinton, Kay Douma, Linda Gildersleeve-Blackwell, Ann Halulka, & Carolyn Herche;Â
- The neighbor of Sandy and Jerry Adamek;
- The friends of Sandy Adamek, Diane Allbritton, Â Connie Bentz, Loretta Brown, Judy Cable, Kent & Jennifer Davis, Ruth Dorsey, Kathy Erickson, Jack and Connie Fish, John and Carolyn Haldeman, Joan Hale, Carolyn Herche, Ken Keyser, Barbara Kinnett, Sylvia McCullough, Â Cathi Shubert, Paula Sills, Cynthia Turner, and Ralph "RayRay" Turner, Jr.; and
- All those serving in the military.
- The sympathy of the congregation and the strength and hope we share in the resurrection of Christ is extended to family and friends of our member, Kay Douma