April 19, 2023
“What a World, What a World:” A Prayer
O Lord, what a world, what a world, what a world
we live in;
a world of wonders, wonders
so wonderful defy description;
a world of horrors, horrors
so horrible defy description;
a world of goodness, goodness
so good feel good about world;
a world of evil, evil
so evil feel nothing good about world;
a world of beauty, beauty
so beautiful takes breath away;
a world of ugliness, ugliness
so ugly takes breath away;
a world of tenderness, tenderness
so tender breaks the heart;
a world of violence, violence
so violent breaks the heart;
a world of
truth and lies,
kindness and cruelty,
pleasure and pain,
joy and sorrow,
faith and fear,
love and hate,
life and death;
healing healing
yet still
disease dis-easing;
calm calming
yet still
chaos chaotic;
people politic,
yet still
politicians impolitic;
unity uniting
yet still
division dividing;
Christians Christian
yet still
Christians unchristian,
and don’t forget the nastiness and niceness, and the
anger, the non-stop anger; and that's
just one day,
just one hour in this world,
just the first 10 minutes
of the news;
and it leaves my
head spinning (as in bewilderment),
heart racing (as in panic attack),
stomach churning (as in anxiety);
not medication,
can't blame Prednisone,
it's the world, and
what a world,
what a world it is,
what a world we live in.
And that's the thing, O Lord, living in this world,
how to live in this world,
how to live without becoming cynical,
how to live
with hope, even joy;
that's the thing, how to
remain sane,
remain balanced,
remain this side of the lunatic fringe;
that's the thing, how to
listen to the news,
listen to one another,
listen to politicians,
without having
heart sink,
blood pressure skyrocket,
face flush with anger;
how to have a little peace of mind
in such a world.
And so what are we to do, Lord, how are we to live?
I have a feeling you'd suggest by
starting every day with
praise, for
just waking up (might not have,
no matter age),
the first smell of coffee in the morning,
a family you can't live without,
but find it hard to live with,
a job,
good friends,
a home to come to,
a pepperoni pizza with double cheese,
the medications don't like but keep us going,
this nation with its precious freedoms and prodigious failings,
small mercies,
unexpected kindnesses,
the help we could not do without,
those we cherish and who cherish us,
their love,
your love,
and if illness or age
taking toll,
knees going,
hearing going,
eyes going,
mind going,
everything going, job going south, life going lousy, still,
give thanks, because
only way not to be consumed with bitterness, resentment, a
sourness souring; and by
making mental list
of all that is good
about our lives, others, this land of ours, because
so much is good, but
so much good ignored in the non-stop
recitation of what bad,
so much good missed when
not focused on good
but fixate on bad; and by
being people
who obey the first commandment: no whining,
who do not let what is wrong blind them to
what is right,
who live with the goodness and generosity, the
truth and kindness and love,
that helps your
holiness and hope
grace us, Lord, with the
discipline to
discipline ourselves to live with such
And we pray, O Lord, that we would not forget those whose
lives have been devastated by mass shootings and
whose grief is unending; and we pray for all
who grieve, who are battling disease,
who are suffering and hurting,
who are dying, and for
the hungry, the homeless, the refugees of this world.
Comfort, heal, console, lift them up,
and feed and house and lead them to a
safe haven.
O Lord, what a world, what a world, what a world
we live in, and
what lives,
what lives
we live
in this world,
not easy for sure,
the only world,
the only lives,
we have;
and in your
love and mercy
there is the strength
to live with hope and gladness
even in such a world that is
your world still;
remind us of that
every morning
we wake up,
every evening
as we fall asleep,
every day
we have
until the day comes
when we'd give anything
to have just one more day
in this world,
what a world
it is!