February 1, 2023
“Just When We Think It Can't Get Any Nuttier”: A Prayer
O Lord, just when we think it can't get any nuttier, it gets
nuttier still,
a House of Representatives member
may or may not be who he says he is;
may or may not be Jewish like he says he is;
may or may not have graduated from the college he
said he did;
may or may not have worked for the company he
said he did;
may or may not have funded himself with
funds meant for vet;
and whose mother
may or may not have been in one of the towers
on 9/11;
whose grandmother
may or may not have been a
Holocaust victim;
it gets
still nuttier
many of his fellow members
(on both sides of aisle)
don't seem to care much,
making all the right noises,
but get the feeling
wish it would
die down,
go away,
(on both sides of the aisle)
lots of maybes;
lots of resumes
lots of job histories
lots of pasts
tidied up,
taint erased,
tarnish polished,
and even nuttier still,
constituents don't seem to mind much, as long as he
votes the right way,
delivers on what he promised,
gives them what they want;
and because
not even the public
seem to mind much,
because, hey, he's
not the only one,
not just politics, but nearly
all over the place.
And the thing is, O Lord, people are right, he's not the only one;
but to say this is not
to condone the lies,
to excuse the behavior,
to say should be allowed to stay; what
it is to say
is that
live in a culture
in which it's hard
to know
who anyone really is,
a culture in which
people create identities for themselves all the time;
think online dating, single sites, matchmaking apps;
think Facebook, as in Facebook facades;
think how lies overlooked, truth ignored,
believe what want to believe;
nuttiest thing of all,
our culture,
a culture
in which
there are a lot of
maybe-maybe not people; and
it is to say
maybe we,
certainly me,
are right there
with the best of them, maybe
the whole story not told, some chapters edited, gaps
not filled in, no Prince Harry tell-all-tale; and
it is to say
that we (no maybe here),
certainly me,
are often not
who we say we are
as Christians, but
not just us, all Christians,
lots and lots of maybe-maybe nots;
maybe loving, maybe not;
maybe kind, maybe not;
maybe compassionate, maybe not;
maybe generous, maybe not;
maybe obedient, maybe not;
and on and on,
maybe, maybe, maybe;
the sad thing is that some of the
most hateful, cruel, prejudicial words hear,
most vile, vicious behavior see,
most odious opinions read,
expressed, exhibited, expounded,
by Christians.
No maybes about it.
O Lord, in a culture in which it's hard to know, to be sure,
who someone is,
if they are who they say they are,
we pray for the
faith and strength
to remain recognizable
to you, to be
someone you recognize to be your child,
someone whom others recognize to be your child,
someone whose identity is certain;
help us,
in our artificial culture of artifice, to be
people who are the genuine article,
people who are what they say they are,
people you know to be your own; and
help us
not to be taken in
by politicians, people, even fellow Christians;
not to believe something
simply because we want to believe it;
not to laugh at lies
not laughable; but
listen critically to what someone says,
think through carefully what we hear,
test closely what we see and feel, so that
we can trust it to be
the truth.
And we pray, O Lord, for those whom illness, pain and
suffering, death, grief, despair, and hunger and
homelessness are all too real;
heal them, ease their pain, comfort and console them,
lift them in hope, and through your people,
through us, feed and house and grant
safe haven.
O Lord, just when we think it can't get any nuttier, it
gets nuttier;
then again,
maybe not,
it may just be that
in our culture
what is nutty now normal;
sham, invention, falsehood
new norm;
what’s needed
is what to our culture
is truly nutty:
who actually believe,
who actually are who they say they are,
who actually do what they are supposed to do.
Grant us
the courage
to be so nutty!