December 23, 2020
A World Hungering for Hope: A Prayer
O Lord, long ago in a world hungering
for something of hope,
for something of holiness,
for something of peace,
your love
came to birth
in a child
and all heaven broke loose with joy
at the wonder
and miracle of it all.
And we hunger also,
hunger to believe that peace can come,
peace inside our skins,
peace on this earth;
and hunger too
for joy,
for goodness,
for holiness,
something that can transform
our lives
and this earth.
And so we pray, Lord, that would behold
our hope,
our peace,
our joy,
in the child called Holy
and come unto him
who was born in Bethlehem
and behold the impossible things you can do,
the wonder and miracle
of what you can do!
And we pray, O Lord, that we would be
foolish enough,
brave enough,
crazy enough,
to believe,
believe that it is
that peace and hope,
even something of wonder
and miracle
are still possible,
and that
even if all heaven doesn’t quite break loose with joy
this night
or tomorrow night,
we would,
would break loose
with joy
and lift up our hearts with gladness and praise,
and break loose
with love
for you
for the other
and be people
in whom
the Christ Child is born
and through whom
he comes to birth,
through whom
is born,
wonder and miracle
breaks out!
O Lord, with the vaccine on the way
it’s hard not to think
that everything is fine at last
and we can relax,
start to live again as we so want,
but we can’t,
not yet,
even though the end is in sight at last,
the coronavirus is going to continue
to ravage lives,
even more than it is now,
if we let our guard down
and stop doing what we know
we must do
for the sake of others
and our own sake too.
And so grant our weary spirits
patience and strength and sense enough
to keep doing safe and smart,
enough to see us through
until the day comes when the virus
stalks us no longer.
And we pray that we would continue to remember
and pray for
those for whom Christmas will hard, even painful,
those battling the virus and those caring for them,
those grieving the loss of someone to the virus,
those who have lost businesses, jobs, homes,
because of the virus
and struggle to put food on the table;
and those often lost in all that preoccupies us,
those battling other illness,
those grieving other deaths,
the hungry and homeless on the streets,
the refugees who wander the earth.
Heal, strengthen, comfort, support, and be with them!
And kick
those who need a good kick
to bring assistance and relief
to the hurting,
and kick us,
if need be,
to do whatever we can to help and heal.
O Lord, tomorrow night we will once again hear
the good news
of great joy
and how we need
good news,
not just any
good news,
but the good news of the Holy Child of Bethlehem,
the good news
of our salvation,
the good news of your presence
with us,
and come unto him
as best we can,
with belief enough
or emptiness enough
or longing enough
for him to be born within us,
and rejoice
in the
that is
Christ the Lord!