Wednesday, October 7, 2020
People Are Wondering: A Prayer
O Lord, people are wondering,
if we are in the last days;
if we are witnessing the coming of the end;
if this is the end.
I hope so!
enough is enough,
there is
so much we need to see the last of,
so much that needs to come to an end,
so much that must end,
if ever
there is to be
hope for us,
hope for our land.
And people are wondering,
if Jesus is about to return;
if Jesus is coming again;
if Jesus will soon be seen on earth
I hope so!
enough is enough,
has been missing far too long,
missing from our culture, even churches, and
needs to return, come again, be seen again
if ever
there is to be
hope for us,
hope for our land.
And people are wondering,
if the virus and the violence,
the chaos and the confusion,
the tumult and the turmoil,
are your judgement
upon us;
if you are judging this nation of ours;
if you are judging
I hope so!
enough is enough,
it’s time we wake up,
realize that
the virus and the violence do judge us,
judge our irresponsibility and indifference;
judge our secret love of violence;
judge the prejudice and the hatred
voiced by so many; and
the chaos and confusion,
the tumult and the turmoil,
judge us,
judge our refusal to come together;
judge our need to see the other
as an enemy;
judge the fear and anger we thrive on as
lack of faith,
lack of belief,
lack of love;
all of it judging us,
judging this nation,
judging just how far we are
from what
we should be,
can be,
must be,
if ever
there is to be
hope for us,
hope for our land.
O Lord, forgive us!
Forgive us
if we accept what should never be accepted;
if we accept prejudice and hatred
as just the way it is;
if we accept injustice
as simply the way it’s
always been.
Forgive us
if we find violence to be entertaining;
if we think meanness and cruelty are funny;
if we consider stupidity to be
a virtue.
Forgive us
if we continue to allow fear and anger
to drive us;
if we continue to ignore the crisis
the coronavirus is;
if we continue to believe
you would never, ever
enough is enough,
that you had had
enough of us,
enough of our
utter foolishness and sin; and
enough of a nation
that has lost it’s way;
that puts its hope in the Stock Market more than in you;
a nation lost in
utter foolishness and sin.
O Lord, grace us with the faith and strength and courage
to end the lunacy,
bring an end to the violence,
come together with others and
work to make these days
the last days
of injustice,
just the way it is;
the faith and strength and courage
to welcome the return of
the real Jesus
and show all the imposter Jesuses
the door,
the Jesuses
who think like we do,
vote like we do,
don’t seem to care what we do;
the coming again
of the Jesus who comes to transform us,
who won’t leave us alone
until he’s loved
the fear and prejudice and hatred
right out of us;
seeing Jesus again
in believers
countering the crassness and cruelty,
the stupidity and self-serving,
the anger and antagonism with
the faith and strength and courage
to put our lives
under your judgement
and strive to be what you
created us to be,
call us to be
command us to be,
until by your grace and mercy,
you judge us
to be truly
your people.
And Lord, I have a feeling the song “Hello Walls”
has become the theme song
of many,
the same four walls constant
Grant us patience enough to remain friendly
with those walls
and keep doing the right and responsible thing.
And move us to keep doing what we can
for those not allowed beyond their walls,
do calls and cards and contacts.
And we pray for all
those fighting the virus, including the President,
those mourning the loss of someone to the virus,
those battling other diseases and illnesses,
those who have lost their jobs because of the virus,
those struggling to make ends meet.
And we pray for
police and peaceful protesters,
refugees and detainees become invisible,
children forgotten.
End the lunacy, O Lord!
holiness and goodness and beauty
to our lives and land!
that enough is enough
and it’s time to see the last
of what we’ve had enough of
and for hope
to come again!