Christ Our Hope Lutheran Church

P. O. Box 961690
Riverdale, Georgia 30296
(770) 997-7117                                      (770) 997-3312

Jeffrey M. Halenza, Pastor

April 12, 2023

Dear Members, Visitors, and Friends of the Congregation,

             We are now in the Season of Easter, a seven week period following Easter Sunday. In other words, it’s still Easter! And so, we should continue to rejoice and be glad. Actually, every Sunday is meant to be a celebration of the resurrection, a day to be lifted in life and hope and joy, a reminder that Easter is not to be confined to a day, not even a season, but celebrated and lived out in every season.

             Having said that, the prayer I will pray tonight, April 12, during our ZOOM Worship Time at 7:00 PM, might strike you as rather strange since it seems to be more about despair than hope. But as you read through what is, admittedly, a very personal prayer, I hope you realize that I could only say what I finally say because of the hope the Risen Christ gives and that it gives you the same hope in some way or other.

             May the love and mercy of God continue to easter up day after day and grace us with hope unfailing,

Pastor Halenza
