Christ Our Hope Lutheran Church
P. O. Box 961690
Riverdale, Georgia 30296
(770) 997-7117 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â (770) 997-3312
Jeffrey M. Halenza, Pastor
September 13, 2023
Dear Members, Visitors, and Friends of the Congregation,
      These past few weeks have been very difficult for Kitty and myself as I grew weaker and more tired as a result of eating less and less as well as the radiation I am receiving. The purpose of the radiation is to lessen pressure on my stomach thus enabling me to eat more. It will not eradicate the cancer, only reduce some tumors. The cancer remains incurable.
      I have certainly missed being with you these past few Sundays and not being able to do Wednesday Bible Study. But my intention is to preach on Sunday, September 17, and resume Bible Study on Wednesday, September 20, at 10:30 AM. Kitty and I thank you for your patience and understanding. And I thank Ken Foster and Pastor Flanigan for their leadership in Sunday worship.
      Once again, all things electronic got me to thinking, resulting in the prayer that will be prayed during our ZOOM Worship Time tonight, Wednesday, September 14, at 7:00 PM. I just hope it gets you to thinking and praying in some way.
      May God grace us with the courage to re-set our lives according to his will,
Pastor Halenza
P.S.      Don’t forget the Handbell Workshop this Saturday, September 16, at 9:00 AM.