A Prayer for Holy Week
O Lord, as we go through these coming days,
without being able to gather on
Maundy Thursday or Good Friday or even Easter,
help each of us
to switch off the TV,
shut down Facebook,
turn off the phones,
and for a time
quiet our hearts and minds enough,
push back the fears and anxieties enough,
forget our worries and preoccupations enough,
to hear
what the story of those days
says to the story of our days,
the scary days
we are going through.
O Lord, help us to hear the story as the
love story
it is,
the story of a lover giving all for the sake of
the beloved;
the story of a lover who knows
what we are like and yet
does not turn away,
loves us into becoming the selves we should be,
and so want to be;
the story of a love stronger than death,
a love that loves us
through death
unto life anew,
a love that has the power
to lift us up in the midst
of all things
in hope.
O Lord, of all the stories we need to hear in these days,
it is the story of those days,
the story that proclaims
that you remain faithful even if we are
that you remain faithful to your promise,
faithful to your people,
and you will keep saving and delivering us
day after day
until at last
you deliver us unto life eternal.
And so help us, O Lord, to trust the story,
to trust
ourselves to your love,
to trust
ourselves to the One who is our hope
and salvation,
so that in these days
we can be strong,
be brave,
be faithful,
and lift up our hearts
we know that you will love us through these days,
love away our fears
love us unto better days,
of gladness
and new possibility.
And we continue to pray, O Lord, for those everywhere
who have contracted the virus
and for those
who put themselves at risk
for our sake,
and for those
who have died and those who grieve.
Heal them!
Strengthen them!
Comfort them!
And for those
who have lost their jobs,
who are struggling financially,
who aren’t sure if they can
put food on the table,
and for
the children and most vulnerable.
Be with them!
Move us to be there for them!
Teach to love others as you love us!
You are a very present help in trouble, O Lord!
Our refuge and strength!
And we give you thanks!
And praise you, praise you!